2024 | Lumi Portrait - My best friends dog passed away this year, he was a powerful spirit guide and led her through many hardships. He was my homie and protector as well and being able to paint this portrait of him was a beautiful ceremonial way for me to process his passing and still honor his wild spirit which I believe is very much still alive. RIP Lumi.
2023 | Mural painting created on Big Island Hawaii for Manadina Farms,. Measures approximately 8x15ft. 50 hours of work including ideation and wall prep. The goddess of creation intertwined within the vines of the ayahuasca tree. The creativity of life flows from and through this divine spirit. She creates material life from an abstraction of matter into the forms we know (the monstera leaf).
2021-2022 | Poster Designs - Various poster designs put together for electronic music event collaborations, a fashion show in bend, and events put on by muse productions. The lake in the background of the fashion show poster is my favorite lake in Central Oregon and sits at the top of Broken Top mountain.
2021 | Shifting Planes - During COVID-19 I had purchased these four canvases with intent to paint a piece for my living room wall that I intended to paint black with new light fixtures. I got sick with COVID-19 and within the two weeks I was locked in my house loosing my mind I created this work I call Shifting Planes. The piece was created on canvas using watercolor, colored pencil, paint marker, and metallic acrylic paint. The concept behind this piece was to play on our perception of reality through the visual plane. A certain element (the canyon) can easily shift to a new dimension (the ribbon) even when our eyes are clearly open to all the elements in the same space/time. The ponderosas were inspired by the ponderosas outside of my studio window and tie the outside elements to the inside of the house and the colors correspond with other furniture, fixtures and plants in my living room space.
2018-2019 | Dog/Animal Portraits - Large scale animal "portraits," using water color, colored pencil, and oil pastels.
2011 | Leather Sculpture - This was created as a side piece while interning with ArtistBuilt. Inspired by mountains and lakes.
2011/2022 | Surface Design Class/NOKKEN Rave - This piece was created in a college surface design class utilizing photos I had taken from one of my favorite spots in Central Oregon, a collapsed lava tube, essentially a open air cave, with large old growth ponderosa pine trees growing out of it. I mirrored the photos and played around with the levels of color which was then printed onto a piece of fabric using a state of the art fabric printer that the school had just purchased. I hand dyed over top of the printed fabric using a new founded technique that was discovered during the duration of the class. In 2022 I used the image of this piece for a the poster for a techno Rave I organized through my production company MUSE productions that was held at that same location. Even the lighting for the event was matched to this original piece of artwork.
2010 | Drawing Class - There were many pieces created in drawing class however these were my favorite. First was a assignment to draw perspective using a part of the art building (however I learned perspective when I was a kid) so I drew a part of the building but added in the chess board outside for extra challenge. Second was a assignment to draw a fruit/vegetable of our choice in 12 different mediums/techniques (I picked the habanero). Third is a classic still drawing with a live model.
2012-2013 | Large Metal Sculptures - In sculpture class I loved working with metal so much that I created several large scale sculptures while attending school. First is a design made to imitate smoke as inspiration from my senior line fashion show flyer (FLUX). The second was meant to have an inverted look and was made to represent fire.
2008 | Printmaking - One of my first art classes in college was printmaking. I found my style within large format monoprints that were created by spreading ink on a 3x2ft piece of plexiglass and running it through a roller onto paper. I have always been a fan of seeing the natural pathway pigments can choose when you plop them on a surface and apply force (pressure, gravity, etc....)
2005 | Highschool Collage - I was a major collage person in my youth it was one of the few art activities allowed in the house growing up so I covered an entire wall in my room with collage from magazines. This collage was inspired by a scary experience I had on the Deschutes river where I was pulled under in rapids.
2003 | My first acrylic painting created in 7th grade. I believe the assignment was to paint a recent dream, I was weird kid...still am!